Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Waiting List
“How long is your waiting list?” and “What does it cost to get my name on it?” These are some of the many questions we receive in the Fairmount Admissions office. Here are some of the queries we hear most often regarding our waiting list:
Does Fairmount Homes have a waiting list?
There is a waiting list for each type of accommodation here at Fairmount. A person can place his/her name on the list for one level of care by completing an application. If needs change before admission, the applicant can simply be moved to the list for a different level.
How does this work?
Applications are recorded by original application date and level of care requested. As openings occur for the type of accommodation requested, applicants are contacted in the order they submitted their request.
What does it cost to put my name on the waiting list?
Fairmount does not charge an application fee for its waiting list.
What happens if I am not ready when you call?
If you decide you are not ready to move to Fairmount when you are contacted, your name will remain in place on the list. You do not go to the “end of the line.”
Some people on the waiting list recently were asked to complete new applications. Why?
Not long ago, Fairmount sent letters to people on our Residential Living waiting list, asking them to review their application information and update us on their retirement plans. Their responses are helping us to better plan our course for the future. Our goal is to serve potential residents in a timely manner and to match our residential living options with their needs and interests.
What if I have further questions?
We would love to chat with anyone who wants to learn more about the possibility of moving to Fairmount or who has a loved one who might become a resident. We encourage people to begin retirement planning early, so it is never too soon to begin collecting information. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to answer your questions about the options here at Fairmount Homes. Please call us at 717.354.1800.