Come and learn more about honeybees! Fairmount resident Dale Long, who recently facilitated the installation of two beehives on the Fairmount campus, will be presenting a program on bees and beekeeping on Thursday, July 11, at 1:30pm. The program will take place in the Wheat Ridge Gathering Room at 2100 Wheat Ridge Dr. on the west side of the Fairmount campus. Dale will be joined by Daryl Bender, a fellow beekeeper, who has given many beekeeping presentations to schools and other organizations. Both Dale and Daryl enjoy helping young people get started in the hobby of beekeeping. Topics of discussion will be: the importance of honeybees; the life cycle of bees; bee communication; strategies that honeybees use to survive; and where to find local honey. There will be opportunities to ask any questions you may have.

This event is free and the public is cordially invited, so please plan to attend and invite your friends. There is no need to sign up.