Development Office

Kevin Nofziger, CAP®                    Director of Development

The Development Office seeks to provide a sound financial base for the continuing ministry of Fairmount by providing opportunities for giving. Every gift given to Fairmount makes a significant and real difference in the lives of our residents. We believe our mission is to provide the best care at the most reasonable cost possible. Contributions to help make this care possible ensure senior adults in our community:

  • Have a safe, comfortable and pleasant home
  • Are provided with compassionate quality healthcare
  • Remain involved in activities and have access to faith-based events
  • Have a “family” who loves, respects and cares for them

You Can Make a Difference

You can make a difference in someone’s life by supporting the compassionate Christian care available at Fairmount Homes. Here are some of the ways you can enhance residents’ lives when you share financially and prayerfully in the life of Fairmount Homes:

  • Sharing Fund – to cover the cost of care for those who have exhausted their financial resources
  • Resident/Staff Memorial Fund – gifts in memory of residents or staff
  • Building Fund – for the construction of needed facilities
  • Nature/Fitness Trail Fund – to cover trail maintenance costs
  • Benefit Auction – participate in this annual event in September. This event is held to raise funds for resident needs. Mark your calendar for the next Benefit Auction on the second Saturday in September
  • Farm Crest Gift Shop – many resident-crafted items for sale along with “convenience-store” items, stamps, candy, books, puzzles, cards and miscellaneous glassware
  • Donate used books at any time for our Book Sale

Proceeds from the Benefit Auction, Book Sale, and Farm Crest Gift Shop go to the Sharing Fund for the benefit of residents who have exhausted their resources

Ways to help:

  • Cash
  • Appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds
  • Corporate Matching Gift
  • Bequest in your Will
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Life Insurance
  • Gift Annuities
Kevin Nofziger, CAP®

Director of Development

333 Wheat Ridge Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522-8558

Telephone: 717.354.1814 Fax: 717.354.6665


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