Dean Rust, a retired Lancaster County dentist and current president of the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania, will be giving a presentation on bluebirds on Monday, April 22, at 1:30pm at Fairmount in Ephrata. The event will be held in the Wheat Ridge Gathering Room at 2100 Wheat Ridge Dr. on the west side of the Fairmount campus.

The bluebird is one of the most cherished songbirds in the U.S. and has inspired poets, songwriters, playwrights and movie directors for over 100 years. This PowerPoint presentation is a “hands on” practical guide about bluebirds that provides knowledge and proven techniques to increase your chances of being successful with BLUES in your own backyard.

New techniques will be presented regarding habitat selection, building and installing nest boxes, monitoring life-cycles from egg laying to incubation/hatching, planting natives, and protecting bluebirds from predators. The hope is for this presentation to inspire a new hobby or develop an appreciation for the special creation, bluebirds, that God has given us to enjoy while on this earthly journey.

There will be bluebird nesting boxes available to purchase, as well as a book on bluebirds that Rust wrote and published in 2016. This event is free and open to the public, so please plan to attend and invite your friends. There is no need to sign up.


